Do you need to get a great offer and sell your home fast? If you have a very limited window of time to sell your home, selling it on the traditional housing market might not be the best idea. If you sell your house to a cash buyer instead, you’ll be guaranteed a great cash offer and a very fast selling process. Here are a few details to help you to know how long it will take to sell your home to a cash buyer.
Get an Offer in 24 Hours
First of all, when you sell your house on the traditional market, it can take weeks or even months of waiting until your ideal offer comes along. When you sell your house to a cash buyer instead, you’ll be able to get a cash offer very quickly. Almost all cash buyers and home buying businesses can get you a cash offer within 24 hours of when you contact them. In order to get a cash offer for your house, you’ll need to give your cash buyer some information about your house. This will help them to calculate the best possible offer for you based on the worth of your home.
Skip Traditional Delays
Once you’ve decided to accept the cash offer, you’ll have a quick process ahead of you. You’ll just need to meet any buying requirements that your cash buyer might have. This means that you’ll be able to skip a lot of the traditional delays that come along with the housing market. For example, you won’t have a real estate agent insisting that you do lengthy inspections of your property. You also won’t have a buyer insisting that you need to throw in a kitchen renovation or new patio to close on your deal. Your cash buyer will purchase your house as-is without any repairs, renovations, or inspections.
Close Quickly
The closing processes are very quick when you work with a cash buyer. You’ll just need to sign closing documents and permissions, so your agreement is legal. Then, you’ll be able to walk away with your full cash payment. You won’t have to wait for your buyer to get approved for a mortgage or loan, so the process will be quick, and you won’t be waiting around for your money.
So, if you know that you’ll need to get out of your current home fast for one reason or another, remember to sell to a cash buyer. When you do so, you’ll get a cash offer in 24 hours, skip traditional delays, and close quickly. This will allow you to move on to your next home or adventure without being tied down to the delays of the housing market.
Do you want to sell your Oregon house fast for cash? Click here to learn how Oregon Homebuyers can get you a cash offer in 24 hours!